I'm preparing to start up new classes in my community this week, I'm hoping they do well and grow! Both projects involve a lot of time spent inviting, promoting, & checking in on people. I also spend some substantial time practicing my choreography for classes. Even though I use a lot of energy and time into these projects, I would not trade it for the world still! I love what I do, I love bettering myself and helping others through practice and patience.
So I've been working on posters, class punchcards, spreading the word, and online advertising as well as getting that choreo practice in and checking in on clients. I've been working on making my schedule so I'm more focused with a daily plan every day. I still have room to improve on keeping a better calendar and schedule, but at least I'm trying and have gotten started with that good habit. Practice, practice makes progress!
I never seem to get everything done in a day that I want to, there's always distractions that I easily get sucked into. Maybe I do take on a bit much sometimes, but I just don't understand how anyone could be bored in this world with so much that can be done at any given moment! I honestly cannot remember the last time I was truly "bored"..
It's a double-edged sword really though to strive for a highly productive lifestyle with not enough focus or hours in a day. Like I said, sometimes I often feel overwhelmed. I've been so productive and some ways and totally lacking in others! We have been moved into our new home for close to 7 months now. We still have quite a few repairs, as well as sorting and organizing to do. I look around my home and wonder if I will ever get put away or find that comfort I so desire. Granted, we did take a little break on it all over the holidays. We worked very hard on the move for all of last summer and a chunk of Fall. It is tough finding that balance between work and home isn't it? It's kind of funny that I started working from home so that I would have more time at home with my kids, and I have this feeling lately like I'm just not having enough time for those things!
Last week we did clean and sort through the kids rooms some. Geez they outgrow clothes so dang fast! This week I have started back up on painting touch ups, and hopefully in the next few weeks here we can get our living room carpet installed finally! I guess it is just a matter of being grateful and not greedy. I know we will get our home sorted and settled eventually, we just need to keep working at it every day. Truthfully I have a lot less mess then I did when working the traditional job though. I have had more time to sort through things now and have paired down a lot from our move. It's not going to happen overnight, most great things don't. Great things take persistence and hard work! I think I need that mantra on my wall ASAP actually. 😏
What I have not been able to work on lately that I really must is my website! I have been contacting suppliers to find more products I feel confident about marketing and that I would use myself. I've been thinking about this whole blogging thing too, how often do I do it? How do I come up with great content to share and keep people engaged? What kind of things do I do with my website to make it stand out from any of the rest of it's kind? I suppose these are topics I can Google or look up on Pinterest here soon to get those idea juices flowing. So many sources for ideas, it's a matter of following through on my own though. I need to get some pictures of me on my website still, I'm so past due getting new professional pictures taken! I can take stupid selfie's all day in private groups or SnapChat & I don't care if I look silly or whooped. Something about those professional pictures though really makes me feel extra akward in front of the camera.
I'm also behind on EBay posting. I have sooo much stuff here still to get rid of and it would be nice to get back some of that money I spent on the items that we are not using. I also utilize that opportunity to network and send my business card. I'm still waiting someday for somebody to say to me "I found you through EBay" Laugh if you will, but it will happen because I'm patient and in this for the long haul!
I have my Etsy store as well I have been wanting to get my beaded belly chains listed up. Our stock of those is still kind of low though. One day the kids and I will spend some time with that or coming up with some other craft projects we can list up there.
Priorities 1st though, pay the bills, keep that roof overhead and keep us fed. I have to work on the existing projects I have going on. I need to work on this home and our feng shui, so that we will be a smoother running more comfortable family all around. I need that time for me to collect and reflect, maybe I should start scheduling that on the calendar... I need to be patient with myself but get back to working on the big picture. I have faith that I can make it great with time and practice. It's like anything else; we can't give up when things get a little tough, or say we may have design or writers block!
So at 2am on one of those sleepless nights I decided to start up another blog post. This whole blogging thing is bright and new for me, we have to start somewhere though right? Excuse my ramblings of the slightly delirious, exhausted, and overwhelmed sort. Far from perfect and never will be because well, I'm human! I'm still working on my own bit of the Sublime one day at a time. I may have to slow down or reschedule from time to time, but I won't ever quit. 😍